Equip your Sci-Print tube labelling system with a code scanner
By upgrading your existing Scinomix Sci-Print Tube and plate labelling systems with these barcode readers, you will be able to easily know the contents of your sample storage tubes and cryovials.
There are different type barcode readers available for the Scinomix Sci-print VX2, Sci-Print VXL and the Sci-Print MP2 series. There are barcode scanners that can ready the bottom ID of sample storage tubes that have a 2D Matrix code on the bottom. There is also barcode scanners that can scan the side barcodes.
Or scan the barcode with a side-barcode reader
With the barcode scanner modules by Scinomix you can scan/read the 2D Data-Matrix code on the bottom of tubes and you can scan/read the side barcodes on the side of the sample storage tubes.
If your sample storage tubes contain a bottom ID, the bottom bar code scanner module by Scinomix is able to read these codes quickly and efficiently. It does so for data look-up. This option works with the user’s LIMS or excel worklist to retrieve data and print the information onto the tube.
If your sample storage tubes also contain a side barcode, the side barcode scanner module by Scinomix is able to these barcodes without any hassle. It does do for data verification. It is used after the label is applied to the tube to ensure the barcode is readable.
Saves valuable time in high throughput labs
By upgrading the Sci-Print MP2 or the Sci-Print MP2+ with a side barcode reader module, you can have the system check if the label was correctly applied.
By upgrading your existing Sci-Print tube labellers with the bottom ID reader module, the system will be able to read the contents of the tube and print and apply the correct tube label. This option works with the user’s LIMS or excel worklists.
By upgrading your existing Sci-Print tube labellers with the side barcode reader module, you will be able to have the system check if the label was correctly applied.
With the Scinomix Bottom ID reader, you will be able to read the 2D Data-Matrix code that is already on the bottom of the tubes.
With the Scinomix side barcode reader, you will be able to read the 1D side barcodes of the sample tubes.
The barcode readers give an other layer of protection to make sure the correct tube has the correct label.
The Scinomix bar code readers saves a lot of time by not having to manually scan the tubes for contents.
That's why we do it
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Want to learn more about the Scinomix Barcode scanning modules? Eager to request a demo? Contact us today with your questions.
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